01604 583060 

 About the EAS Mechanical APPRENTICESHIPS Delivery 

What does EAS Mechanical deliver? - EAS Mechanical now deliver the new Apprenticeship Standards which has changed from the old Frameworks. You will notice that all the old numbers you where aware of have also changed, example - the 6189 Level 2 and 3 Plumbing course has now become 9189 Level 3 Plumbing Apprenticehip.  
All the titles below have links to the Apprenticeship programme your interested in: 
C&G 6288 - Heating and Ventilation Level 2 Click here and Level 3 click here 
End Point Assessments 
Managing Director Eamon Wilson explains - 
All Apprenticeships now require an End Point Assessment (EPA) to be concluded via an Independant Body and Assessor. This assessment once passed generates a formal Government Certificate which informs the employer and future employers that the holder has been through the correct training and finished the thier apprenticeship. 
To enter the EPA the apprentice must finish studying with EAS, concluded all elements ofthe programme and the employer then confirms as to whether the apprentice is ready to go to the next stage. 
These assessments take many different forms and are generally completed at another training centre. This will all be dicussed once we are preparing the apprentices to enter this stage. 
If you have any questions please call to dicuss or email: eamon@easmech.co.uk 


16 to 18 year olds: The Arenticeship are still fully funded.  
A contribution will be required by the employer for 19 + apprentices set at 5% of the funding total. So, if funding is agreed at £21000 over four years your contribution will be no more than £262.50 per year. All funding bands are in the public domain and EAS are transparent with these figures.  
There is no age limit for taking on an Apprentice.  
If you are a Levy payer EAS' team can help with your needs. 
Find out more about the EAS apprenticeship programme or our short courses: please call Eamon Wilson on 01604 583060 or email: eamon@easmech.co.uk