A: Yes, there is full funding available for Apprentices, aged 16 to 18 years for their training. All the employer pays for is their salary and travel as required. The good news is 19+ learners funding is still available but the employer contributes 5% of the overall funding amount and this is paid yearly to the training provider.
For instance if you are 24 years old on the Plumbing Standard funded at £21000.00 you would need to contribute £1050.00 paid over four years which is only £262.50 per year.
A: Whilst we recommend pay scales to be in line with the JIB published rates, it is entirely your decision. There are also published government guidelines for employers taking on apprentices. For more information, go to: www.apprenticeships.org.uk/Employers.aspx
A: The new standards for apprenticeships vary in Length. Whilst Plumbing is now a level 3 programme increasing time on the programme by a year, the Electrotech is run over the same time as before. We always set the exact timeframe on programme when you sign up with EAS.
A: EAS run day release models of one day per week from 35 to 38 weeks per year at our training facility in Northampton. Functional Skills programmes are ran in half terms for those who need them and in blocks to be confirmed with all parties.
A: Regardless of whether you recruit one apprentice or ten EAS will happily work on a solution to help you.